I posted a status last night that said stop using theatre as an excuse to be crazy. Well I felt like now that I've started this blog it is the perfect opportunity to expand on my thoughts.
I don't understand this need to define your behavior as a byproduct of your degree. I find myself getting so annoyed by people who say things like "of course we're weird, we're in theatre." Well usually the person saying this is considered weird even by the people in the theatre department. Maybe you're weird because you're weird. It is not because you are a technician or an actor, so stop blaming it on that fact. You don't hear Math majors making excuses for being nerdy because they are math majors. It is more often then not that they would already classify themselves as the nerdier of the bunch and became math majors rather than the other way around. It is however perfectly acceptable to say, I'm weird so I chose theatre. I understand many come to theatre because of the fact that they do not feel accepted in any other place, and theatre is known for it's accepting mentality. But do not think that you're oddity is therefore reflected in the theatrical world.
Do us all a favor, if you're weird, be weird. If you're crazy, be crazy. But at the very least admit that you're not normal, and that it is a "you" thing, not an "us" thing.
And please don't misread this as me having anything against someone who is "weird" or unusual. I am totally fine with people being whoever and whatever they are, but please, while you may enjoy shouting inappropriate things, and discussing things that most other would consider less than acceptable, don't blame it on your experience in theatre, blame it on your love of attention or whatever. Be weird, embrace it, just don't try and pin it on someone else.
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